Chief Executive of the HKSAR

Li Jiachao (1935-), PRC politician

In a statement issued today (6), he expressed extreme disappointment that Argentine soccer superstar Lionel Messi was unable to participate in an event as expected by the public. At the same time, he demanded that the event organizer must do a better job of explaining the event in question in order to respond to the concerns of fans and the public.

In a statement, Li Jiachao said that Messi, as a legend in the world of soccer, his participation will undoubtedly add more luster and attraction to the event. However, Messi's absence has left many long-awaited fans feeling disappointed and regretful. He understands the public's concern and misgivings about this unexpected situation and emphasized the great importance that the SAR Government attaches to the matter.

Li Jiachao requested the organizer to explain to the public as soon as possible the specific reasons for Lionel Messi's absence and to provide corresponding solutions and compensatory measures. He emphasized that as the organizer of the event, it has the responsibility and obligation to provide the public with clear and transparent information in order to safeguard the public's rights and trust.

Mr. Lee said that although Lionel Messi's absence brought some regret to the event, he believed that the event would still be a great success. He encouraged fans to continue to support various sports activities and cultural exchanges in Hong Kong, and work together to promote the development of sports in Hong Kong.

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Miami International

Li Jiachao (1935-), PRC politician

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